In MARBELLA JET CENTER we carry out the maintenance and integral repair of jet skis, supply of original spare parts and Yamaha competition equipment,winter services and parking where you can enjoy your jet ski all year round.
In order to achieve the highest level of customer satisfaction and perform our services correctly, we have decided to implement and maintain a Quality and Environmental Management System according to the guidelines of the UNE-EN ISO 9001: 2015 and UNE Standards -EN ISO 14001: 2015, under the scope of “SALE, REPAIR AND DRY MARINE FOR JET SKIS”.
For this reason, a Quality and Environment Policy has been developed applicable to our activities and services, which defines the principles of action in relation to the management of Quality and the Environment, which, from now on, guides and inspires all activities and services developed by our company and serve to demonstrate our public commitment in this regard.
In this way, MARBELLA JET CENTER undertakes the following obligations:
• Comply with and respect both the legal requirements applicable to our activities, as well as other requirements that have been subscribed or apply to us.
• Adopt the commitment to continuous improvement, setting objectives and goals, easily measurable and assumable based on the capabilities of our company.
• Adopt the necessary measures to protect the environment, prevent and minimize the impact that our activity may cause to the environment, by carrying out good environmental practices in the company. Ensuring an efficiency for the operational control management of construction and demolition waste. As far as possible, these guidelines will be applied crosswise to the company’s activity for the preservation of the planet.
• Ensure the training, competence, and professional attitude of workers through training programs and environmental and quality awareness.
• Improve the relationship with our customers and suppliers, assessing the satisfaction of the former and establishing communication channels with the latter for mutual benefit.
• Involve clients, suppliers and the public in this Quality and Environment Policy of MARBELLA JET CENTER, trying to make them participate in it and achieve, together, to carry out an adequate management of Quality and the Environment.
This policy is available to the public and is reviewed and updated for its continued adaptation.